Britain's Daily Mail Features Ann, Denise, and "Motherhood" Book in Popular Article
Dec 20, 2017
We were thrilled to be featured in a article asking "Is motherhood right for you?"
We were also thrilled by the response to the article: As of last week, the article had been shared 64 times and had 398 comments. The women of Europe have been fervently engaged in the conversation about motherhood choice for some time. Our goal is to champion this conversation so that women feel more choice and less pressure from an assumption that they should all become mothers.
Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article:
Is motherhood right for you?
Experts reveal four steps to help every undecided woman discover if she REALLY wants children
(and why you shouldn't worry about practicalities)
While fifty years ago there was an expectation that motherhood was a natural progression for women, starting a family is no longer a given for today's generation.
But if you're not fully certain whether or not you want to have children, how do you go about making such a major life choice?
It's the question tackled in a new book Motherhood, Is It For Me? by psychotherapists Detroit-born Denise L. Carlini - who was inspired by her own process of deciding she didn't want children - and San Francisco-based Ann Davidman, in which they present a 12-week programme of guided visualisations and self-exploration to hep women gain clarity.
'We hoped that it would help women who were ambivalent to decide before their biological age limited their options,' Denise told Femail. 'We also wanted to "normalise" that this is a choice women will and can make.
Ann Davidman added that it's still considered something of a taboo for women to even question having children, as they believe it's something they're 'supposed' to do.
'Some won’t question it and won’t decide until it’s too late,' she explained. 'They wait it out until time has decided for them. The shame of not knowing or knowing that they want a childfree life is so great that it can get shoved underground so far that it’s not even a conscious thought.'
Here Denise and Ann share the four key steps anyone should take to help them understand whether or not they really want children... (Click to continue reading.)