Ann's Feature In iNews (UK): Fatherhood Clarity™ Course Jul 17, 2024

Are you ruminating on these kinds of thoughts?

“I always figured I’d...

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"The Fatherhood Whisperer," Ann Davidman Featured in GQ Series May 22, 2024

Do you want to become a father? Or do you think you should want to? 

What if...

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Ann's Feature on the "Do I Want Kids?" Podcast with Laura Henshaw May 22, 2024

As the host of the popular podcast KICPOD, a top-50 podcast in Australia, Laura...

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Where Does All the Pressure Around Parenthood Come From? Mar 09, 2024

The pressure you’re feeling to make a decision about parenthood can be...

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Ambivalence About Whether to Become a Parent Can Be Healthy Feb 24, 2024

Some people love children but don’t necessarily want to have them or parent...

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Feeling Stuck About Whether to Become a Parent?
Shame & Self-Sabotage Might Be to Blame
Feb 10, 2024

Did you know your decision-making process can be knocked off-course by the twin...

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People Tell Me I’ll “Just Know.”
But Will I Regret Not Having Kids?
Jan 26, 2024

“I’m scared of picking the wrong path.”
Elle Hunt, freelance...

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Why I Don’t Work With Couples as a Parenthood Clarity Mentor Dec 29, 2023

After working as a Parenthood Clarity Mentor for 30 years, the first thing I tell...

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Do You Want to Become a Father?
How to Face Your Biggest Fears & Decide What’s Best For You.
Nov 08, 2023

"I always figured I’d become a father."

"Becoming a father seemed like the...

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Where Your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) on Parenthood Really Comes From Aug 03, 2023

As you’ve been out and about this summer, have you seen families on vacation...

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Can’t Decide Whether to Become a Parent? First, Find Internal Spaciousness (Here’s How) Jul 25, 2023

Do you want to be a parent? Do you want to remain child-free?

Are you feeling...

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