Ann's Feature In iNews (UK): Fatherhood Clarity™ Course
Jul 17, 2024
Are you ruminating on these kinds of thoughts?
“I always figured I’d become a father.”
“Becoming a father seemed like the default, given the combined messages from my family and society.”
“I was just waiting for the right time to become a father, but it hasn’t happened.”
Or maybe your partner wants children but you still just can’t find clarity around your desires.
Ann often hears reflections like these from the men she works with as a Parenthood Clarity™ Mentor. Like all of Ann's clients and students, these men don’t want to sleepwalk into parenthood.
If you’re unsure about whether to become a father, Ann’s feature in iNews: At 40, I wasn’t sure I wanted children – I took a fatherhood course to find out is for you.
Hear firsthand from Sam, a past participant in Ann’s Fatherhood Clarity™ Course, as he describes how Ann’s proven three-month program for men helped him understand his anxieties about being a parent.
An excerpt from Eleanor Peake’s article…
One night last summer, Sam couldn’t sleep. His new girlfriend had just told him she wanted to have children. At 40, he had never felt that primal urge telling him to go forth and multiply, but had never considered he would have a life without children either. After visiting a gynecologist with his partner, he couldn’t escape a gnawing fear.
“My girlfriend is 41. She told me she had some eggs frozen and the gynecologist explained that it needed to happen soon. I didn’t want to let her down, and I knew I needed to be there for her but it felt very urgent. It all kind of hit me,” he says. That night he lay in bed, unable to shut out his fears. “I value my freedom and if I was going to be a father, I wanted to be a good dad. I was worried that a child was going to get in the way of my freedom, and I wouldn’t like that which would then make me act like a bad dad,” he says. “Money was also a massive worry; life feels so expensive at the moment. A child would make that worse.”
Ann Davidman has seen these fears play out before. For 33 years the therapist and author has run the Fatherhood Clarity course; a three-month online talking therapy course to help men understand whether parenthood is the right decision for them. “It is a myth that every parent should feel this urge to have children,” she says. “Ambivalence around parenthood is extremely common and much more complex than what appears on the surface.”
Click here to read the full article and see if Ann’s course is right for you!