Ann's Feature on the "Do I Want Kids?" Podcast with Laura Henshaw

fatherhood fatherhood clarity course interview motherhood motherhood clarity course podcast May 22, 2024

As the host of the popular podcast KICPOD, a top-50 podcast in Australia, Laura Henshaw was pleasantly surprised at the overwhelmingly supportive listener feedback she received when she recently raised a certain “taboo” topic on her show…

Does she want children?
Or does she want to remain childfree?

“I have never been inundated with more messages than after I spoke about the issue for the first time on the podcast,” Laura says.

For “people between the ages of 20 and 40, who don’t feel ‘born’ to be a mother or parent, there is so much shame around their decision and so many feel alone in this feeling, when it is incredibly common.”

In response to the listener feedback, Laura launched a 7-part limited series on her KICPOD podcast, “Do I Want Kids?” The first episode dropped this last Wednesday, May 15 — and who better to welcome as the featured guest than the Parenthood Clarity™ Mentor herself, our own Ann Davidman?

Listen in to the first episode of “Do I Want Kids?”

Ann and Laura discuss the question in a safe and honest space. (Additional episodes debut every Wednesday and Friday for seven episodes.)

You’ll hear that Laura struggles with many of the same issues that likely ring true for you.

Laura wonders about “the fear of losing ourselves, giving up a life we love, the impact children can have on our relationships, our inner selves, are all so very common. And if we do decide to have kids, is it even possible for us? Although parenthood is a choice, it’s not always guaranteed,” she says.

We hope you’ll listen, enjoy the show, and remember once again that you’re not alone on this journey to clarity.

Learn more about Ann's Motherhood Clarity™ and Fatherhood Clarity™ Courses!