Do you want to become a parent?

Do you wonder what your life and career would look like with a family?

Do you and your partner have different opinions?

Or maybe you feel like time is running out — and you’re also worried you’ll make a decision, then regret it.

What if you didn’t have to figure out the answer alone?

Picture what life might look like if you finally knew the answer, and felt at peace. If you could make your decision without having to impress anyone or make anyone else happy.

After 30+ years of helping clients, students, and readers all over the world arrive at a decision as a parenthood clarity mentor, I’ve learned that the kind of uncertainty you’re facing is complex — and likely accompanied by powerful feelings like fear, ambivalence, doubt, confusion, sadness, and shame.

Over the years I’ve cultivated a step-by-step approach to help you uncover what’s true for you — just as numerous others already have with the program laid out in the book I wrote with my co-author, Denise Carlini, Motherhood - Is it For Me?

Rest assured you’ve arrived at a safe space, a haven for diving deep into all your feelings connected to your parenthood decision.

I’ll never tell you what you should (or shouldn’t) do. I have no agenda other than helping you find the clarity you seek.

Only you can know what is true for you. You’re the expert on you!

This easy-to-follow format is full of tried-and-true guidance, plus creative exercises designed to stir up whatever is inside you that’s been blocking your path to clarity.

If you’re feeling called to move from confusion to clarity as you reach your deepest truth — and believe in your power to act on it — I invite you to start the journey right now with the first chapter of my book Motherhood - Is it For Me? It's my gift to you — simply sign up for my email list below to claim this free gift.

With an open heart and a clear mind, it will be much easier to make
this life-defining decision. No matter where you are on the yes-no continuum, a fruitful journey lies ahead.

I’ll be with you every step of the way. (Access the first chapter of Motherhood - Is it For Me? below.)

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